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Genesis 2P 2

Creator: Psygnosis

Description: Part 2 of the Genesis 2P levels.
Level 2 uses a unique level called "A tasks for blockers and bomber".
Level 7, on the other hand, is an extremely compressed version of "Graffiti" and renamed to "A tasks for blockers and bomber".

Content ripped by Tsyu.



Enjoyability: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0 votes)
Difficulty: ◇◇◇◇◇ (0 votes)

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Just for fun or to the death?
A task for blockers and bomber
Cross-over Point
The Passing Place
Take what you can, when you can
The Hammock...
A task for blockers and bomber
Islands in the Sky
May the craftiest player win
We're in this one together